Hat Channel

A rake and low wall secondary framing member.

A Tough Fastening Base

Hat Channel (or Hat Purlin) are light gauge steel framing members used for roof and wall support, as well as retrofit installation over existing metal roofs. Available in galvanized and sometimes red iron, Hat Channel are standard at 20′ or 20′ 2″ long, though some locations can cut to length.

Design & Size

Hat Channel lengths are provided in standard lengths of 20’, though some locations can cut to length.


Width Varies by Use
Length: 20′ Standard

Gauge & Weight

20ga (some locations): Weight Varies By Profile
18ga (some locations): Weight Varies By Profile
16ga (some locations): Weight Varies By Profile

Warranty & Finish

Metal framing components carry no specific warranty. Finish options include galvanized and red iron (red oxide). Galvanized is the more common finish and typically available in more sizes and gauges.

Purpose & Use

Hat Channel are light gauge steel framing members most commonly used for roof and wall support, but is also used as retrofit support when installing panels over existing metal roofs.

One major benefit of Hat Channel is their ability to end lap. Fastening is most commonly using self drilling screws or bolts, though welding may be applicable in some construction methods.



Galvanized (Most Common)
Red Iron (Verify Size, Availability) - AKA Red Oxide

Available finishes vary by branch, size, and gauge. Color accuracy is limited by scanning and viewing conditions.


Primarily PDF downloads, these resources provide general, installation, and testing data.

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